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20 juillet 2006

Irish poet

if you are interested in working on Ireland, take a look at a modern Irish poet!
20 juillet 2006

end of year picnic

end of year picnic
what a great way to end the examining! K
20 juillet 2006

Only in America

ONLY IN AMERICA: Only in drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front. Only in people order double cheeseburgers, large...
3 juillet 2006

résultats bac!

Congratulations to all of you who passed! I'd really like to know what mark you got in English! Please send it to me!
1 juillet 2006

posts cerpe 2006

there were 1206 candidates this year for 401 posts!
28 juin 2006

phonetic symbols

If you want to insert phonetic symbols in a text this is an easy way to find them: use the font called Lucida sans unicode, then insert special characters and you'll find them there!
25 juin 2006

civilisation documents

It would be really useful if the candidates in each language for the CERPE knew something about the culture and civilsation of the country whose language they are studying! For English students there is an excellent book called CLEAR, which is published...
7 juin 2006

N° candidates 2006

Here are the number of candidates for the different languages for June 2006: English 681 German 68 Spanish 233 Italian 100 Portugese 3 Arabic 2 Provençal 119
7 juin 2006

language practise has quizzes, podcasts, vocabulary games etc; try it!
7 juin 2006


How about learning a few proverbs? A proverb is a well-known short saying. Here are some common ones: actions speak louder than words all that glitters is not gold blood is thicker than water charity begins at home easier said than done experience is...
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