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24 novembre 2006

Idioms with animals

Try using some idioms, it'll make your English more authentic! let the cat out of the bag = to tell people secret information, often without intending to be like a dog with two tails = to be very happy cry wolf = to ask for help when you do not need it,...
24 novembre 2006

translations of songs (a Canadian site) you can get translations of the lyrics to the latest hits!
24 novembre 2006

translations and dictionaries is a great site all about words! You can find online dictionaries which are very easy to use and there is an interesting section on translation techniques if you click on the link
24 novembre 2006


You can find songs for teaching English, with words and worksheets, on the NANTES Site académique. Look in the English section under resources.
17 novembre 2006


Here is the link for the official instructions concerning the new "bac STG"
25 octobre 2006

cerpe 2007

les sujets 2007 comporteront des articles de prese d'une vingtaine de lignes ou des extraits de romans récents (2002-2006) pour toutes les langues. En langue d'Oc il y aura également des extraits littéraires du 19e et du 20e siècles.
25 octobre 2006

new teacher's site cross curricular ideas (SVT in English, UN simulation) exchanges, BBC programme for 4e . Lots of information about exchanges and teaching tips.
13 octobre 2006

Methodology: Essay plan

Methodology: WRITING AN ESSAY Introduction an introductory sentence (cultural context / historical perspective / an anecdote) rephrase the question (so how far can we say that...? / can we really say that...? what does....make us think of?) announce your...
11 octobre 2006

write about your hometown

On this wiki you can publish a paragraph about your hometown; where is it? what interesting things are there in your town? Tell us something that makes it worth a visit.
11 octobre 2006

correction WHITE WAND sujet bac

Sujet bac THE WHITE WAND : CORRECTION OF COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1.The main character’s full name is Mr Walter Streeter. 2. He is a writer. Remember the punctuation and the line reference a) “the words ran off his pen” line 2 b) “I was writing in my study”...
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