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3 février 2007

summary 3 mode model

SUMMARY OF THE 3 MODE MODEL DOWNLOADING q Direct research / dictionaries q Encyclopedic research / treasure hunts q Up to date news q Visiting far away places/ prepare a virtual or real trip q Text manipulation UPLOADING q Give your opinion q Write a...
4 février 2007

types of webquests

Essential Components of a webquest There are six essential components of a WebQuest that are used to structure the activity and organise students. They are: 1. Introduction An introduction that draws the learners attention to the topic and inspires them...
28 mars 2007

words to song (days of the week)

"Today is Monday" Today is Monday, Today is Monday, Monday's (the) washing, is everybody happy? well I should say! Today is Tuesday, Today is Tuesday Tuesday's (the) ironing, Monday's the washing, is everybody happy? well I should say! Today is Wednesday,...
31 mars 2007

Easter rhyme

Five little rabbitson Easter Day,one finds an eggand runs away. Four little rabbits......etc Three............ Two............. One little rabbit on Easter Day,says "come little rabbits,come and play"! phonology the "a" in rabbit is the same sound as...
31 mars 2007

jazz chant "Gus"

Gus always takes the bus why?Gus always takes the bus why? Why does he take the bus?Because he loves it, he loves it. Elaine always takes the plane? why?Elaine always takes the plane why? Why does she take the plane?Because she likes it, she likes it....
10 avril 2007

texte bac blanc

05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Ratty's hunger was a twisting fist in his stomach. He went in. 'No, your tea's not ready yet so there's no use looking like that,' was Edith's greeting. The smell of frying bacon increased Ratty's hunger. 'Potatoes not...
10 avril 2007

correction bac blanc

> COMPREHENSION 1. Edward is a young British soldier killed at war. He is Ratty and Edith Tyler's only son. 2 . The action is set in Great Britain, in Dorset (1. 41: "here in Dorset"). 3 . The scene takes place during the Second World War. 4. a . "the...
1 juillet 2007

statistiques 2007

En 2007 il y avait 337 postes + 19 postes pour le 3e concours. En langues nous avions les candidats suivants: anglais 600, espagnol 200, langue d'Oc 132, Italien 82, allemand 57, portugais 3 et arabe 1. les moyennes ont augmenté dans plusiers langues;...
7 juillet 2007

chiffres 2007

Quelques chiffres pour la session 2007: Il y avait 4319 inscrits au concours cette année; 2373 présents! il y avait 771 admissibles pour 337 postes en externe + 19 postes au 3e concours. Aux épreuves de langues nous avions 1100 candidats! Le premier reçu...
27 août 2007

ice breakers

to get your students talking on the first day back at schoolsee BREAK THE ICE The first day of class is usually spent in part by getting acquainted and establishing goals. Icebreakers are techniques used at the first session to reduce...
5 septembre 2007

ACE project

Atelier de culture européenne This consists of 2 hours a week, one hour of working on a project + one hour of working on the language: here are some of the projects we will probably cover the history of the USA the gold rush and the far west Ireland An...
30 septembre 2007

cap canal

Do you know ? This educational channel was created by the city of Lyon in 1991 and it was initially dedicated to elementary school children and their educators (parents, teachers, etc.) it is a different TV channel which shows all kinds...
1 décembre 2007

games and communication activities

GAMES AND ACTIVITIES · Make a birthday flower : (write the months in the petals and « when is your birthday ? »or « apples,peaches ,pears and plums, tell me when your birthday comes » in the centre.) · Tennis ball : throw to next speaker (months, days...
5 décembre 2007

Debate topics

VIDEO GAMES "Although the sales of Whirlwind video games have declined over the past two years, a recent survey of video-game players suggests that this sales trend is about to be reversed. The survey asked video-game players what features they thought...
6 janvier 2008

order of adjectives

Remember to use the correct order of ADJECTIVES in English Descriptive adjectives belong to 7 main types. The table below summarises the types and the usual order in which they appear if more than one adjective is placed before a noun: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th...
9 janvier 2008

teaching speaking

Teaching speaking Eliciting v Ask questions v Give instructions that require verbal interaction v Use real objects v Give visual aids (drawings, flashcards, videos) v Give definitions v Use synonyms and antonyms v Use gestures and mime v Use prompts,...
9 janvier 2008

Have you ever....? questions

Taken from the anecdotes section in Ask a few students Have you ever . . .? questions to establish the idea, checkunderstanding of the concept and check pronunciation. Make it clear that ever meansin your whole life. Past Experience...
10 janvier 2008

lyrics and worksheet for "white flag"

White Flag I know you think that I shouldn't ………. love you or tell you that. But if I ………… say it well I'd ……… have felt it, where's the sense in that I promise ................... not make your life harder Or return to...
6 février 2008

enregistrer vidéos sur YOUTUBE

comment enregistrer les vidéos de Youtube? tout d'abord, attention à n'exploiter que celles de ces vidéos qui sont libres de droit, une vérification préalable s'impose. Ensuite, plutôt que des solutions techniques et complexes, il existe un site
6 février 2008

pronunciation of EA

Why are BEAR and PEAR not pronounced the same as BEACH and HEART?here are the rules! ear: is the same sound as :clear, fear, tear* (from the eye), appear, weary, but . bear, pear, swear, tear (in cloth, or verb.) sound the same as HAIR before consonents:...
2 mars 2008

primary school classroom English

here are some useful expressions: (can you) take the cantine list / book to (Mrs' Dupont's class)? who is eating at the canteen today / this week? who wants to clean the board? (effacer le tableau) who is on ......................duty? (responsable de......)...
4 mars 2008

lycée internet projects

Here is a teacher's site with some well-prepared internet projects about advertising, protest songs, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break.......and many more! Each project is very interactive and has a series of tasks to do, links to find the information...
1 avril 2008

rencontres de l'ORME 2008

TICE-ANGLAIS CDrom Broadways Interactive (NATHAN) Reading comprehension online read a short text / answer comprehension questions / do grammar, syntax and lexical work on the text. Listening comprehension
18 avril 2008

webquests from ac-nancy site

There are a number of good webquests here, which are made specifically for French students who are learning English there is a good one on British newspapers ("Todays News" in the section...
21 février 2006

Insanity is hereditary.....

Insanity is hereditary..... get it from your children
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